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Only Two Conditions Are Necessary For A Christian Life

alec vanderboom

This is one of the most important articles I've ever read on the Christian Life.  My buddy, Pope Francis, reminds us that the Christian life is "simple, simple." Jesus gives two conditions to be his discipline.

1) Listen to the Word of God

2) Follow it

The pope reminds us that Jesus had crowds of people following him, yet he had very few real friends. Some people follow Jesus with ulterior motives. They follow him "out of convenience" or out of a "desire to be better." The pope also said "So often we go to Jesus because we need something and then we forget him there, alone." "There are not many people who then effectively practiced the Word of God."

When I read this article, I feel energized. My duties are really simple. I need to reflect on God's word. I need to give him space in my life to talk to me through Holy Scripture. Then I need to take the personal nudges that I get while listening to the Word of God and put it into practice.

God's not looking for me to become a superhero. God already has many angels! What he needs from me is friendship! Friends are loyal! A good friend does what she is asked to do, with a little dash of joy and good humor thrown into the mix.