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Notes from a Nutty Summer

alec vanderboom

I'm scheduled for a repeat sonogram on Thursday. I'm praying the low-lying placenta will have moved. I've got a lot of restrictions to prevent a potential bleed, including not being able to lift my 2 year old. When I think about living with these rules for the next 10 to 18 weeks, I start to feel panic. If I think about a real bleed starting and having to go on full bed rest, my anxiety spikes higher. So it's all "One day at a time" (which is a CODA mantra) and "Focus on the Here and Now."

After the initial flurry of showings the first day we went on the market, there has been no interest in my house. We missed out on this great property which would have cut my husband's daily super commute down to 45 minutes (how sad is Washington DC traffic that this commute counts as "short?") and given us the option of one day having chickens. For now, I've cleaved our move into two parts.  We're going to sell our house first. Only after receiving a good offer will we start the search for a new house in Maryland. Our local housing market is horrible. We could be here for 2 more years, until we pay more down on our mortgage enough to seriously undercut the competition. I'm making peace that this is move is on God's timeline.

While I'm not looking for a new house, I am shopping around for new activities to do in Maryland. Why wait for our move to make new friends?

I had this super cool experience on Saturday. I went to the Boonsboro Library which financial backing of local romance writer, Nora Roberts. This library is incredible! It's small and intimate, yet so wonderfully designed. It's a reader's heaven.

 I realize I've lived in a serious Children's Library defect since leaving the Midwestern Friendliness of Madison, Wisconsin. My 3 year old and 2 year old were treated as treasures in this library. The librarians were happy to see them and talk to them. They had a kids movie playing with free popcorn and lemon aid. The children's books on display were new, relevant and inviting to pick up. I hadn't realized what a drought of positive library experiences as a Mother with young kids I was living in until last Saturday's visit.

Even though I don't live in Washington County, I could purchase a library card for $18 a year as a member of the tri-state area. I'm really excited to add a monthly field trip to take advantage of their Children's Programs.

If you haven't discovered Boonsboro, MD yet, it's a foodie paradise. Nora Roberts is a best-selling romance novelist and her family has single handedly made this small town a great place to visit. Her son owns the family friendly, delicious Vesta Pizzeria and the more grown-up Dan's Tap House. My favorite place is the nearby Kristi's Bakery. They make Georgetown quality pastries in the middle of rural Maryland. Good books and good food is my idea of the perfect summer pairing!