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Happy Second Birthday Abigail Clare!

alec vanderboom

You are a honey! You are our firecracker! It's a joy to hangout with you everyday. No one lights up a room like you do. Thanks for being my kid.

Facts about Abigail Clare: Total Social Butterfly who loves technology. There is not one piece of electrical equipment in our house that you have not investigated with curiosity. You love animals, especially cats and horses. You're favorite topics of conversation are "shoes" and "hair"-- interests you did not inherit from me. I love to watch you pretend to read the giant chapter books like the big kids. You love to make jokes. You are so spunky and determined. I love looking at you when you are being yourself--tap dancing on the flagstones at church or doing forward rolls on the Children's Library carpet and think of my college motto "Well behaved women rarely make history!" You have a great heart and a beautiful smile. Can't wait to watch you grow up even more next year.