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Wedding Happiness

alec vanderboom

My little brother got married Saturday! His wedding was so beautiful. He's 30. His bride is lovely. It was really emotional to sit in the audience and think "I can't believe he's old enough to get married." I remembered meeting him so clearly in the hospital for the first time when I was 8. Three of my kids were in the wedding party. The did fantastic. The little girls didn't fall into the central fish pond during the reception. That was also fantastic!

We're were the only large family at the wedding. (I'm a Catholic convert). We got so many compliments on our kids behavior. It was really funny to me. All of these strangers came up to me and showed me their I Phones. They said "I got the cutest picture of your girls. You have to give me your email!" After this build up, I'd be expecting some amazing photo. Instead they would show me this blurry picture of my kids backs as they lay on their stomachs dipping their fingers into the fish pond. It was funny to me because my kids often look like that. Curious. Fun. Sometimes holding hands. That's normal life for us. That night my girls just happen wear matching navy hair bows. After the fifth person came up with their I Phone to me, I figured out that we must not match some preconceived notion of what a large family looks like in Modern America.

My brother's wedding was a beautiful, prayerful event. It was so nice to sit back with my husband and reflect on our own wedding day. Twelve years has brought us big changes. It's wonderful to have six kids to highlight the beauty of what our relationship means to us and to the world.

Monday afternoon, I go in for my first sonogram with Baby Number 6. I'm excited, hopeful and a tiny bit scared.