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Just Because You Feel Stuck, It Doesn't Mean You Are!

alec vanderboom

Yesterday, I had a dozy of a day. I had the worst homeschooling day in six years of teaching. The noisy dog next door woke me up from a soothing pregnancy nap. Then at 5 PM the chicken I'd spent 3 hours roasting ended up on the floor in some sort of bizarre accident and got jointly chewed on by my 1 year old baby, my dog, and my cat. I showed up at my weekly CODA meeting at 6:30 PM feeling rather gnawed on myself.

I'm shocked at how quickly God can turn me from hopeless into hopeful. He never, ever leaves me. His grace shows up in ordinary situations. The guy next to me said the affirmation "Just because you feel stuck, it doesn't mean you are!" at the end of my CODA meeting. I got this little internal nudge that said "Hey, that's me!"

Last night at 9 PM, as I walked my dog under the almost full moon, I felt so lighthearted and hopeful. I couldn't believe I felt so good after the awful day I had earlier. Praise God for good nights after hard days!