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Living Poor, Feeling Rich

alec vanderboom

We were too poor this year to take our annual vacation at the KOA Harper's Ferry. Instead, we hit the jackpot. $20 a night for tent camping in the Catoctin Mountain National Park.We spent two nights inside a deep forest with bears and bobcats roaming around--with five kids! I was so thankful we brought our dog. (Knowing we had a warning system if a bear came into our campground helped me sleep at night.) I was so thankful my husband has perfected his fire-starter skills. (We were 25 miles from the nearest McDonalds, so there was no back-up plan for breakfast if the fire didn't start.)

I had no idea that my young kids could handle such serious camping. They were awesome. There was something about being immersed in the deep woods that spoke to everyone's soul. It was such a holy experience for everyone.

Catoctin Moutain National Park is home to Camp David, a presidential retreat for President Obama. When I got home, I found this funny advertisement online. Only $1,200.00 to rent a cabin at Camp David for the weekend!