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Public Service Announcement from a NICU Mama

alec vanderboom

While I had a baby in the NICU, I heard a scary comment from a NICU nurse. Turns out that Children's Hospital in Washington DC spends the last week in June clearing out their entire Pediatric Unit just to have enough beds for the annual onslaught of child burn victims after 4th of July firework accidents. Chemical burns from fireworks are not cool. One sparkler (which I used to think was a pretty kid safe thing with careful adult supervision) can get up to 1,000 degrees Fahrenheit.

After hearing that comment, I started a new family policy of "we leave fireworks to the professionals." I don't do sparklers. I don't do bottle rockets. I radically changed my inherited family tradition of celebrating the 4th of July with lots of home grown firework displays.

Happy 4th of July, everyone. Have a safe, prayerful, and beautiful day with family and friends!