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Second Honeymoon

alec vanderboom

Today is my 12th anniversary! After the awful hat trick last year of a move, a husband's long commute and a baby with colic, Jesus out did himself this year. My husband got a free 2 night vacation to Bedford Springs, PA from his work. God bless the Mom of 11, who took in my FIVE children for the weekend. (This Mom ended up with 4 kids under the age of 3).

This resort is 205 years old. Such an historic gem. It was originally a series of health springs for Native American warriors. Oh my goodness, did I feel like a spiritual warrior who needed healing too! It was totally wonderful. It was my first vacation in 10 years with my husband. I really appreciated having time alone with him. At some moments were really hard for me. It was hard for me to leave the kids. (I'm still nursing one). Yet it was even harder for me to sit quietly for almost 72 hours. I'm so busy being a Mom, I realized there was comfort in constant activity. It felt a little unnerving to be still. At 3 PM on Saturday, I almost begged to go home early.

This morning, I did a hike an early morning hike up a moutain with my husband. We renewed our vows at the "Wedding Grotto." Then we chatted with a couple who was there for their 45 wedding anniversary this same weekend. It's was a beautiful trip. I'm so rested it really feels great to be home. I'm really committed to knitting more "stillness" into my regular life. We called it "bringing Bedford Springs home!"
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