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Proof Poverty Rocks (Hot Chelle Rae--Hung Up Video)

alec vanderboom

Proof my mainstream music taste is so cliche, but I just LOVE this song. It sings of the virtue of poverty to me. This song is about chastity and how awesome it is for a "player guy" to finally settle down on pursuing one girl. Everything beautiful in my life is tied to my vocation of marriage. How I shot loudly to the world this ONE GUY, Mr. Jon Benjamin, is so worth it. Worth me having five of his babies!

Poverty is my love song to Jesus. It's saying "I'm hung up on Him!" The glorious one. He is worth more than anything else in the world. There is not a trip that I could take. There is not a concert that I could attend. There's not a job that I could go to, a book that I could write, a spa that I could attend, a dinner that I could eat..... Nothing that costs money is more important that hanging out with Him. He's it for me!