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Notes From the March for Life

alec vanderboom

Just some random notes from the March for Life 2013

The March was incredible! There was such a feeling of joy and peace. Most of the Marchers that I saw were young--high school and college age. Oh and I ended up joining the March with the students from Notre Dame. Didn't one of the readers have a son who marched with them?

The crowd was exceptionally gentle and well behaved. We had no trouble staying together as a family. Jon had 10 month old Baby Abigail strapped to his chest. I pushed a stroller with 2 year old Tess. My 5 year old was a joyful trooper and walked the whole way.

There was one media group that stopped to interview a very elderly senior citizen in a wheel chair who was being pushed by members of her family. It was so sweet to see them. Pro-life--at the beginning of life to the very end! I told Hannah that I want to be pushed in the March for Life when I'm old! Then I said, "Wait, I hope there is no need for a March for Life when I'm old!'

We marched near the students from Mount Saint Mary's Seminary. They had these thrilling large Papal Flags. My kids noticed them right away. It felt so great to see so many happy images of Catholicism around us.

My favorite sign that was commonplace was "I am the Pro-Life Generation." We brought one home and put it up in our front window.

The crowd was very mellow. People prayed the rosary out loud. Some people chanted "Hey, Ho. Roe v Wade has got to go." It was great to see so many priests and Religious Sisters. I was laughing because the Sisters figured out how to push their veils out from their winter snow coat hoods.

I didn't see any graphic posters. Everything that I saw was encouraging and positive. "I am pro-life." "Adoption is the loving option." The one I guess "hard hitting sign" said "Is this the only pro-life thing you'll do all year?" from ""

It was really weird to see the Police Force. They were in full winter gear so you could only see their eyes out of navy blue ski masks. In so many of their eyes I saw fear. It was the weirdest thing. The crowd was so peaceful and calm, but the police looked "edgy". I couldn't figure out if it was simply the size was overwhelming to them, or if they actually expected us to suddenly turn into a riot.

The Supreme Court building was all under construction--there were just photographs of the building placed on giant mesh panels. I was a little disappointed about the flat effect--but then I decided that was symbolic. Change is in the air at the Highest Court in the Land, baby!

My husband and I just really felt great. We March for us! It's encouraging to be there with so many people from all over the country, from all walks of life--all being pro-life. Prayer works! I know that I'm so much more encouraged to pray because of those brief Hail Mary's my family said while walking up Capital Hill. Someday this evil will all be history because the inscription on our Supreme Court says "Equal Justice Under the Law." God loves justice and God loves life!