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Having a Hard Time Praying Lately

alec vanderboom

I feel like I'm having a hard time praying lately. I feel like Henry's death shook me up. I know it seems crazy to think that you're blind sided by a critically ill orphan dying in the ICU--but I don't know. His death just felt like it came out of left field for me.

So now I'm cringing when I get all of these prayer requests. Man, especially Emma. I can't believe that there is a four year old who I have clear memories of chasing around our new church Social Hall in a church dress and cowboy boots, who is now not talking for two weeks after a serious brain injury.

My daughter painted her finger nails purple (to match her friend's color in the PICU). We're in this pattern where everything Maria does something sweet, we pause to say a quick Hail Mary that her friend Emma can come home soon to enjoy the same thing. I feel like I have about 20 seconds of faith during my little prayers and then I flip into "Crap! God, don't let her die." Which is not exactly a model position of Faith for a Catholic--but God knows me. I'm little. I'm broken. He takes me as I am. My imperfect prayers for Emma are better than no prayers at all.

I've got a long prayer list right now, can you help me out?

Henry's Mama, Carla, is in horrible back pain. She has one last ditch effort tomorrow at noon Central Time for a treatment to avoid back surgery. Could you pray for her?

Dominic Pio was inches--INCHES--from getting released to go home to Wisconsin when he had complications from surgery. He's now stuck in Boston Children's Hospital. His Mom is waiting for insurance to approve a Medical Transport Flight home. She really misses her children and her husband. Home = Healing.

Jennifer F and the baby son in her tummy are out of the hospital. Jen is looking at months of a slow recovery. She just got hit with a prescription drug bill for $4,000 per month.

Miss Emma is getting transferred to a rehab center three hours from her home. I just want her to wake up and start talking and come home to prep for Swim Team and have a Barbie Pool playdate with my Maria. There's precedence for this dramatic type of recovery in the Bible, right?

Mary, Mother of God, hear our prayers. Make our life a Daily Prayer to the Son your Love, in our sickness, and our health.