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Don't Get Discouraged Today

alec vanderboom

So it's the 15th. Thanks to some kind of evaporation in our tax code my husband's paycheck shrunk by $160 per month. I'm sure many of my readers are in similar situations.

Here's my comment on Facebook this morning:

"Mr Obama. It's the 15th. Our paycheck went down $80. That's $160 less per month for my middle class family of 7. Guess we'll just stop buying hay for the Polo Ponies we have in the backyard."

I'm encouraging myself to NOT PANIC. God is trustworthy. I've not gotten this far down the poverty rabbit hole without seeing major help come from unexpected quarters. God is in charge. Our health insurance rates are rising in February. The credit card balance needs to be paid off from Christmas. The girls and I still need new shoes.

Today, however, we are okay. It's Widow who fed Elijah during a famine time. My job is to make a good dinner tonight for my husband. Love on my kids. Maybe smile at a growling neighbor. If I'm smooth and happy inside, Jesus has more room to work in my life.

Housewifery is more than snags in the household budget. It's giving love. Receiving love. Praying to Mary in my heart while doing her little tasks with my hand.

"The Lord gives, The Lord Takes Away. In All Things, Bless the Lord's Holy Name." (Job, I think)