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A Virtual Bridal Shower--Helping a Religious Vocation

alec vanderboom

So many good things happening this Advent! Yet could you please help one young woman attain "the better part?"

Sarah Golden is a longtime friend of my Baby Abigail's godmother. She is trying to enter the Poor Clare Order. She has significant student loan debt that must be paid off before she enters this order.

Sarah is currently acting as a fundraiser for Priestly and Religious Vocations at the Laboure Society.
Here is a link to her fundraising page. Could you please give her $10 or $5?

Here is a special offer to female readers of Abigail's Alcove. Chances are, you are going to get a wee stressed Christmas shopping this Advent. Instead of buying a $4 Starbucks coffee treat while you fret over the gigantic size of your Christmas gift list and the littleness of your wallet, be pro-active. Go donate $4 on Sarah's pledge page. (The fancy spiritual term is called "giving alms"). Then leave a comment below.

I will collect all donors names listed in the next 72 hours and forward them to Sarah via email. She will pray for all of us to have a peaceful, happy Advent--and life will be better.

Thank you!