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Check out this "Day in the Life" of a Catholic Priest

alec vanderboom

(sorry, I can't figure out how to link to it better on blogger)

Go, take a few moments and check out this video. It will make you cry with joy. It will make you feel so much more affirmed in your own vocation. I truly started to cry when the priest said "I can see the fear in young men's eyes when they tell me they think they are being called to the priesthood--they think 'will I be happy?"

I feel the same way when I talk to all kinds of Moms who are questioning whether to be stay-at-home moms, or moms to 'more than one or two kids.' I'm inspired to first grow my own "fruit of joy" to be a better inspiration and second to beg a video producer --we need a "Day in the Life " vocation of marriage video. Everything thinks they know what "marriage" looks like--but few have really seen a true sacramental marriage in action.)

Also, if you want an inspiring look at the vocation of marriage check out this professional athlete's interview:

Here's a snippet from St. Louis Rams Quarterback Kellen Clemens:

"What do you enjoy most about family life?

I really enjoy being married. It’s exactly what I thought of the sacrament as being when I was younger. Sometimes you can look ahead in life and then the reality can be a lot different from what you expected, but with marriage, it is exactly as good as I thought it would be."

WOW! And he wears a brown scapular! 

from NC Register. h/t Mom and then some.