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Love Is Like Algebra, Someone Has to Show You How to Do It

alec vanderboom

I had that quote from the Children's Defense Fund on my wall as a poverty law attorney.  I didn't understand what it meant until Baby Abigail, however. I'm amazed at what an impact a new sibling has on a family. All my kids really understand how to love a newborn now. Even 19 month old Tess is practicing giving gentle kisses on Baby Abigail's head. My kids watch Jon and I shower love on a little newborn and then they know how to do it too.

Even my younger brother, who as the youngest and a boy had zero babysitting experiences as kid, is totally comfortable holding a newborn now. He'll come for a visit and pick up Baby Abigail with confidence. She'll sleep peacefully in his arms and he says "This doesn't look so hard!" My little brother has held five of my babies  now. I love that as a single guy in his twenties, he's well broken in. Fatherhood doesn't seem so scary.

I love this quote so much more now. I feel like I learn how to love from Jesus and Mary. Then I tutor my children and my family members how to love in this special, extraordinary way.