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Sacrament of the Sick

alec vanderboom

Hurrah! I received the Sacrament of the Sick at my local parish this morning.  Every time I receive this Sacrament new things jump out for me. Today the meaningful words were:

When our Sister is afraid,
Give her Courage

When she is afflicted
Give her Patience

When she feels alone,
Assure her of your support.

Unborn Baby Clare got a special blessing today too! Father P really stressed "health" for Clare, over and over again.  I wasn't sure if this was a real formal prayer that was written down, or after hearing about big Sister's dramatic stay in the NICU, that Father P wanted to make sure to give the Lord a clear request for a healthy newborn this time around.

I just though it was humorous. We'll happily welcome Baby Clare "in sickness OR in health." But it can't hurt to strongly request that she comes to us in perfect health!