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Multiple C-Sections: Spiritual Help (Part II)

alec vanderboom

Here are somethings that helped me spiritually.

1. Sacrament of The Sick

2. Adoration

3. Mediation on the Way of the Cross

4. Theologically Understanding The Concept of Redemptive Suffering (especially by reading the works of St. John of the Cross)

5. Asking for Prayers from Others

6. Wearing my Brown Scapular into Surgery

7. Carrying a St. Gerard Scarf into Surgery

8. Praying Morning Prayer the Morning of My Surgery

9. Enjoying my Routine of Motherhood before the enforced break of a hospital stay.

10. Reading about the importance of obedience (i.e. deciding in advance to cheerfully follow all requests of the nurses ahead of time) and sickness from the works of St. Teresa of Avila

11. Striving to be extra kind to my husband (Thank you, Danya)

12. Reading Tobit. Praying to the Archangel Raphael to guide the surgeon's hands

(other things that have worked for you, dear readers?)