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Life with the Benjamins

alec vanderboom

This weekend Tess got booted out of the one, nice, new regulation approved crib we have in our room. I still put her down to sleep at night in her crib, but later at night Jon now moves her to the new "big girl bed" in her older sisters' room. At 5:30 AM this morning she woke up screaming. I got her settled down in my bed and tried to ignore her loving pats on my head for the next hour. At 7 AM, I wake up and there is no sign of Tess. I call her name, there is no answer. I started to look all around the house.

Finally, I find her on top of the dog! Both of them were sound asleep. I can't believe our little English Cockerspanial was kind enough to let her use him as a pillow. I joked with Jon that Tess traded me in "for a better roommate" this morning!
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