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Happy St Valentine's Day

alec vanderboom

My husband went to Mass today* and the priest said "instead of buying your valentine candy or flowers today, say a prayer to St. Valentine for them!"

Done, honey!

Last night Jon brought home flowers and chocolate for me. He also had Valentine's heart pez dispensers for our oldest three kids. He passed out the treats. Then Miss Tess got up next to him with the saddest eyes. He hadn't realized at 17 months old that she would be totally conscious about being left out of his treat exchange. He knelt down, gave her a huge hug and said "Tess, I will never forget you again!"

I teased him that he right now had four women to please on Valentine's Day. Next year, (God willing) he'll have five! What a sweet job to be a loving husband and a father.

St. Valentine, patron of happy marriages, pray for us!

* Yes, I know this saint's day no longer technically on the Mass Calendar.