Why I Love My Husband, Part VIII
alec vanderboom
This past Friday we had the following conversation while Jon was on the commuter train.
Him: "So you picked up paint today and we'll be painting the living room tonight?"
Me: "No. I fled from the Lowe's in a panic. There were so many color options. I just didn't feel like I could commit to one."
Him: "I know it's really hard to choose. That's why I was secretly hoping you'd take the pressure off."
Me: "Really?"
Him: You can just pick one, and if it looks bad, we'll just paint over it with another color. Anything is going to better than the all white walls we currently have in the living room."
Me: "Well, there was this one shade that I was thinking about, but I'm still not sure what it's going to look like at night....."
Him: "As long as its not black, it can't be wrong!"
Me: "Okay, you've inspired me! I'll go back to Lowe's right now with the kids. We'll get the paint for you to work on tonight!"
(Why was that conversation so lovely? Because it wasn't until AFTER I hung up the phone that I remembered my husband is the one with the Masters of Fine Arts degree! Jon is so endlessly encouraging. Like Jesus, my husband is very meek and humble of heart!)