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Jon and I are Carmelites!!!!!

alec vanderboom


November Profession Mass in Frederick, MD
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My Temporary Promise

“I, Abigail Benjamin, inspired by the Holy Spirit in response to
God’s call, sincerely promise to the Superiors of the Order
of the Teresian Carmel and to you, my brothers and sisters,
to tend toward evangelical perfection in the spirit of the
evangelical counsels of chastity, poverty, obedience, and
of the Beatitudes, according to the Rule of St. Albert
and the Constitutions of the Secular Order of Discalced
Carmelites, for three years.

I confidently entrust this, my Promise, to the Virgin Mary,
Mother and Queen of Carmel.”

(PS I'm wearing the cross I got in the first grade for singing in the Methodist Youth Choir. I can't believe this "non-crucifix" Protestant cross was actually a perfect replica of the special crosses that hang inside the Carmelite convents!)