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Real Saints are Hidden

alec vanderboom

I've been staying away from reading Father Corapi posts. (I've simply prayed for him instead). Yet this post was a really insightful read.

This quote just knocked me out. This is something my husband has been trying to tell me for a long, long time.

From a blog by Father Dwight Longenecker:

“Where shall we find a holy person? Where shall we find a saint? It is difficult because the real saint is hidden and humble and holy. Instead of looking for the hidden holy ones we fall for the celebrity ‘saint.’ We want the big dramatic conversion story. We want the dynamic, uncompromising speaker. We like the one who speaks out on sin and rails against the devil…

“…Stop and consider that the real saints are hidden. They follow the little way. If you were to tell them they were saints they would laugh and tell you to keep searching. If you even had the sense and discernment to see the saint next to you–the ordinary person who perseveres–the little person who serves others–the plain Jane who takes life easily and simply loves people–then you would learn again what true holiness really is. If we only had eyes to see the simplicity of the saints, the extraordinary ordinariness of holiness, the practical good humor and humility of the truly grace filled ones…

“It is the little way that leads to salvation. Not the way of pride and pleasure and power. Not the way of wealth and the world. Not the way of ego and ambition.

“Only the way of the cross. When are we going to learn this?”

Wow! This is Carmelite spirituality in a nutshell. Yet again, God is teaching me some really great lessons from my morning sickness and forcing me to take life super easy for a while.

Blessed Mother pray for Father Corapi, Father Pavone, and all of our dear priests.