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Spiritual Help for the Home Schooling Mother

alec vanderboom

I'm back to struggling with fear and pride again this August. Last year, we had just one disruption after another during our home-schooling year. As I'm struggling with fatigue and morning sickness my constant thought is "God, please don't let us have another year where Alex (my first grader) doesn't learn how to read!"

The Devil is real! The very fact that I'm so caught up in all the complications I'm going to have home-schooling while newly pregnant in a brand new state, is probably proof positive that our 2011-2012 school year is going to be awesome. At least resulting in major spiritual insights and improvements for my children's very flawed teacher, ME!

To fight the Devil at his own game, I'm resolved to NOT spend hours scrutinizing new home-school curriculums online UNTIL I get my heart straight!

BE IT RESOLVED THAT: This home-school year is about growing in spiritual formation for me and all of my babies.

My job as a teacher is to fight sloth and timidity in myself.

My 3rd grader's job is to strengthen her virtue of perseverance.

My 1st grader's job is to practice obedience by doing short bursts of activities that he doesn't like.

My four year old's job is to practice patience.

Every day, I'm going to use school work as a method of strengthening these fundamental spiritual virtues in my children and in myself. If we do our work "well for Jesus" each day, that counts as success.

Hopefully, I'll be able to put together lots of inspiring Scripture and examples from the lives of the Saints to help me fight the vice of pride in thinking homeschooling is more about "making myself look good by having super smart kids" and more about the humble work of serving Jesus.

St. Ann, pray for me!