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Time to Pitch It

alec vanderboom

I have an overdue library book that I checked out as a high school student in 1991

I accidentally took it to college with me in the Fall of 1993

It's made every single move with me since then...

every time I see it again I think (Oh, I've got to get that book returned to the library the next time I get home)

I always forget about it...

until the next move.

Sometime as a newlywed I was determined to MAIL it home with a long note of contrition. That never happened.

So now I'm determined to throw the book away and just mail a check to the library with a note asking to pay a fine and clear up my account. Can I throw it away now? Or do I need the library's permission?

Oh title of the book I picked up at age 15 "When All You Ever Wanted Isn't Enough" by the same Jewish rabbi who wrote "Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People."

I think (mostly because I have this funny book problem) Jon and I joke about the title "Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?" all the time. A little inside humor from two Carmelites in love.

We'll say the title in our most serious NPR voice: "Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?

I'll make a funny grimace and say "Who is saying that their Good?"

Jon will make a funny face and say "Who is saying that things are Bad?"

(Get it? Why are you calling yourself good, because God alone is Holy. Only the Virgin Mary was made with a special pure and sinless heart. Also, St. John of the Cross explains that so called "bad things" like having a baby in the NICU or having a father die 12 weeks after his first cancer diagnosis are mostly great, great blessings in disguise).