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Oh How Intimately He Loves Us

alec vanderboom

You can not imagine how intimately God loves us! Truly! I'm only a smitten fifteen year old in love, pre-engaged to my Jesus with a $100 pre-engagement ring and boastfully wearing his Varsity letterman jacket into class. Believe me in my Carmel meetings, I hear true spiritual union is SO much more than the thin tin ring that I'm currently wearing. But I've got to shout out that my "pre-engagement" love affair is AWESOME.

Completely true story of what happened to me today.

My parents are coming to town this week as professional tour guides. I did not get invited to visit them on "family day". I did not get invited to go on their special Friday night boat cruise on the Potomac River. I was hurt by that omission but I told Jesus that I wasn't going to complain about it for his sake.

When I told my husband about my parent's upcoming plans I purposely kept my voice very calm and bored when I mentioned "the boat cruise". I bit my lip and did not comment on the situation.

Hours later, when we were inspired to celebrate Father's Day taking Jon aboard one of those ridiculously fun double decker tour buses around the city--a ticket taker did something that surprised me. I told the truth that my Mimi was above age 4 and should pay the child fare (rather than getting a free ride for kids under age 3.) The ticket guy REFUSED to take my money. He let her on for free. Then he pushed a special button on his ticket machine and gave us ....

a free family pass for a boat ride!

My whole family of 6 got a free one hour ride down the Potomac River! It was awesome. All of my kids were basically on a boat for the first time in their lives and loved it! I couldn't believe how different the City I've lived in for the past 5 years appeared from the water. Everything was so peaceful and green!

I told Jon, "I can't believe God gave us a free riverboat cruise! I purposely didn't tell you, but was pouting out my bottom lip that I didn't get invited by my parents this week and instead Jesus hands me a personal ticket for free."

My husband's jaw dropped open and he said "I was upset that we were missing your parent's special cruise and yet I purposely didn't tell YOU!"

So there you go! Easy to forgive your parents on Father's Day when our Father in Heaven grants such lavish gifts based on the hidden desires of our hearts!