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Lets Model "Right Away Obedience"

alec vanderboom

Am I the only parent who STRUGGLES with obedience issues? I'm like a broken record saying "Setting the table with a grumpy face after I've nagged you eight thousand times does not count as obedience! Jesus loves a cheerful giver." My friend Maria B. calls this demanding "right away obedience".

The English translation of our Catholic Mass is getting a spit and polish shoe shine this coming Advent 2011. You know how much human nature resists change. There will be grumbling. There will be fuss. There will be naysayers.

Yet we can show our love to our Holy Father by modeling "right away obedience" to the changes in the Liturgy.

Here is the link. Educate yourself!

Then be a cheerful model of obedience in your parish this coming Advent.