"Contribute to the Needs of Holy Ones"
alec vanderboom
My daughter's dear friend, Sister Peace, is only a couple of hundred dollars short for her plane ticket to Spain for World Youth Day. She's taking 27 girls from her mission in Brooklyn, New York to meet our Holy Father. Can you help out with a gift of $3, $5 or $10 dollars?
Sister Peace will also be traveling with her girls to Lourdes, Fatima, and Avila. Pick your favorite place and ask her to say a prayer for your specific prayer intention. Get a beloved spouse of Christ to pray for you personally! Even better than paying to light a candle at your local church!
I'm working on getting a pay pal donation button attached to this post. Check back soon. If it doesn't work (I'm such a helpless Luddite) shot me an email at abigail.b.benjamin@gmail.com. I've got her address, so you can send a check and your specific prayer intention the old fashion way.
I'm going to see her in person on Friday! So nice for my buddy Jesus to set up a dinner date with his wife during such a stressful, "I've got no time for prayer, I'm losing my temper and falling into sin constantly" week for me. It's true that He likes to dine with sinners!