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alec vanderboom

We picked a low income unit that was in walking distance to our church. The new apartment was extremely small and looked out over a trash dumpster. I thanked God for it anyway.

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The low income apartment place told us that we were welcome to move-in. The rent was super cheap. Only one problem. . . . .

No new babies!

Turns out they have the "only 2 people per bedroom rule" as well. They told us that without any four bedroom units available we'd have to move out the second baby number five turned six months old.

So we said "NO WAY"

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Because I just refuse to stop decorating my house with these cute faces!*

*(Hey, I'm 36. Both God and my body might decide that I'm done having kids. Believe me, after 4 c-sections, part of me will be okay with Baby Tess staying my youngest. STILL, I'm not going to hand over my intimate childbearing decisions to some nameless corporate legal office!)