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The Virtue of Hospitality

alec vanderboom

A few months ago, I wrote a piece about how St. Elizabeth Ann Seton extended small gifts of hospitality as a married woman to her estranged father. Despite being abandoned by her Father during her childhood, St. Elizabeth "made a home for her Father at her house."

Her example really inspired me to better practice the virtue of hospitality in my own family. I'm an adult convert and my Catholic faith has been the source of many tense conversations with my parents as I slowly changed from obessed Career Girl into a stay at home Mommy with baby, after baby, after baby, after baby attached to my hip.

St. Elizabeth encouraged me to do something simple to set the tone for a relaxed family visit from the start: Serve Tea when my parents come to visit.

With my husband's help on Saturday, I not only managed to clean the living room, feed the baby and dress four kids in a fresh set of clothes.

I also washed the tea set that I inhertited from my maternal grandma....
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ironed a table cloth that I inherited from my paternal grandma and cheerfully served coffee to my visiting parents!

Simple signs of love that paid great dividens!

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(look at my relaxed smile! Only took 8 years of gulping down the Eucharist! :-)