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Visit the Sick-- from your Computer Screen!

alec vanderboom

I've got an easy peasy lemon squeezy way for you to get some charity points in heaven today.

Baby Sky is a buddy from our NICU stay with daughter Tess. Sky is beautiful and healthy and sweet. She's also got some lingering health issues as a result of being a micro-premie. Her Mom recently found out that Sky is deaf. There is also a possibility that Sky may have some potential heart and brain problems that the doctors are waiting to rule out.


Sky is headed to Children's National Hospital for tests today.

Even though you maybe far away, here is an easy way to send some love to a sick baby and a worried Mom.

Tharen, Baby Sky's Mama, really wants to win a free Flip Phone. (I'm a Carmelite. I don't even understand what a Flip Phone is. I just know that is supposed to be super duper cool and Tharen has chatted about finding one to film her beloved daughter for over 3 months.)

So make a Mommy's day. Help Baby Sky win a free flip phone by voting for cute Sky's video on Facebook. This is the last day to vote and Sky is only losing right now by 12 votes.

Step one: log into facebook
Step two: go to this site
step three: hit "like" Brambleton at the top of the facebook page
Step Four: scroll down to the "Running Man Arm Video" submitted by Tharen
Step Five: hit "like"
Step Six: leave a nice comment
Step Seven (optional) please pray like crazy for this cute baby today.

St. Jude please give Baby Sky a Clean brain scan, and Clean heart scan. (And Tharen, since you expressed an interest....) St. Jude please get Baby Sky and her Mom Tharen baptized soon and welcomed into a friendly church home pronto!

You are all awesome! Thank you!

Thanks for you prayers! Here is the update.