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Oh Happy Day!

alec vanderboom

One of the cutest babies in the world just got formally adopted on paper today! (Little Abigail Chiara got adopted by her Mama and her Daddy in their hearts on the day of her birth and adopted by the Catholic Church through her baptism awhile ago.)


If you haven't checked out Lauren's lovely blog "Magnify the Lord with Me" stop by and say hello. She has insightful posts on "Marriage Mondays." She has helpful hints for raising a newborn. (Lauren was the girl who insisted that I cope with Baby Tessy's colic with the Happiest Baby on the Block book and a Moby Wrap. Thank you!)

But the most jaw dropping thing about Miss Lauren is that she is a Mother who has gone through the cross of losing her children over and over again- and yet she keeps saying YES to new life!

Lauren carried the cross of infertility for years. She opened her heart to four babies who needed a safe, loving homes. Over and over again, she lost each one in a failed adoption.

Two weeks after the heartache of held a newborn baby boy in her arms that the mother decided later not to place out for adoption, Lauren met with a social worker and said "lets keep going!"

The fifth child that she opened her heart up to adopt ending up being-- Abigail Chiara.

Now Lauren's spiritual motherhood finally matches her actual physical motherhood. A new baby forever in her heart and now forever in her arms!

Praise God for your continued Yes, Miss Lauren! You inspire me!