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Hitting the Ball Out of the Park

alec vanderboom

Today was my home school review.

Long time readers know that I've been a bit hysterical about being having my home school methods evaluated by the public school system.

Today, in the wake of being a post-NICU mother. No butterflies! Now, if no one currently has a PICC Line stuck in their heart, then it's automatically an easy day in Miss Abigail's book.

I filled out the portfolio of my kids school work with calm and trust. I knew we didn't have a great semester, (Baby Tessy's long hospitalization through our normal home school routine out the window for almost 3 months) but we survived. I was calm in getting a lack-luster review score considering all the special circumstances of our crazy Fall.

Imagine my surprise when Baby Tessy's hospital stay IMPROVED our score.

My reviewer is an Asian immigrant who is all about the extended family. When she found that the grandparents were heavily involved in my kids education this semester, she was SO excited. That fact got mentioned twice in the formal comments on my kid's permanent school record.

(The fact that my kids HAD to live with their grandparents for 3 weeks because their Mom and Dad had orphaned them during a younger sibling's NICU stay, never even got mentioned.)

According to our Japanese reviewer, "grandparents are everything!"

I just sat there and tried not to laugh out loud. What a funny guy our Jesus is! Here I thought that Baby Tessy's illness ruined the school year, yet her little emergency hospital episode is exactly what won us a ton of extra credit points today.