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Christmas Shopping

alec vanderboom

I love getting formed in Christ!

This year, I got inspired by the Holy Spirit to completely reverse my gift giving strategy. I just bought the "hardest to please" difficult people on my list FIRST with money from my husband's November paycheck.

I'm also spending money this month to get beautiful holy Holiday Cards this year. I'm even creating extra special pre-printed Spiritual Bouquet cards for all the priests and religious in our lives.

I told God that this year, for the first time, I'm not going to worry about my FOUR kids Christmas gifts. My own kids will get the last minute Target run with whatever money is left over from my grocery budget on December 23.

I just figured out finally that my kids are easy to please. They are with me all the time. They get almost everything they want every day. They've got Jesus in their heart already during this Christmas season.

I'd like to use most of our limited holiday budget to bring gifts of LOVE to other lonely people this year.

(In the past I've obsessed over buying my kids gifts first and then use the money left over to buy really lame other "obligation" gifts for other friends and family members.)

St. Nicholas, please pray for us!