Why I Love My Husband . . .
alec vanderboom
Because tonight was one of those nights when I let the water for the rice boil completely out of the pot, TWICE, because I got so distracted by the need to provide a solid police presence to some unruly minors, and when I almost started crying about the no-dinner/no-groceries situation after my tired husband walk in the door at 6 PM- He saved the day!
My husband told me to take a hot shower while he made dinner. I'm telling you ladies, the grocery delivery guy forgot half my order this week, so when I left to take a shower there was NOTHING in my fridge. Yet somehow my amazing husband whipped up an Asparagus, Meatball, Chicken Gravy and Rice Casserole in under 22 minutes and it tasted great!
For more "Why I love my husband" posts, please check out the ever lovely, ever insightful More Like Mary-More Like Me.
(Now Miss K. Why does my icon looks so goofy in Blogger? I could only find the extra huge logo).