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Tess Update

alec vanderboom

My baby girl poop! That's a huge milestone in the recovery from abdominal surgery. Jon and I did a happy dance in the hall. It made all the nurses laugh to see two parents so excited about a poopy diaper.

I spent a blissful 5 hours holding my baby girl today. (Well, I kindly shared some of the time with her Dad). My girl is SO happy to be on her Mommy. She even tried breastfeed today, which I thought was adorable. It's been over a week since I've feed her that way. I can't believe she remembered how to do it.

At 4 o'clock we were just ready to get an early dinner, when little Tess decided to inflict some extra gray hairs on her parents. First, she started throwing up blood. There were lung x-rays and heart x-rays that didn't get "read" for several hours. Then the nurses announced that little Tess had caught a drug-resistant staph infection at her previous hospital. The infection caused us to move into a new hospital room far, far away from any other NICU babies. I've spent the last five days bonding with the parents of all our neighbors in the NICU unit. Now, we're all alone in a lonely room.

At 7:45 the resident came by and assured us everything is normal. Tess has a normal heart. Good, clear lungs. The staph infection calls for 7 days of super antibiotics- so we're in the NICU at least another week. As for the loneliness, I'm a Carmelite. I'm sure being 'in solitude" is better for my prayer life.

Many thanks for all of your prayers!