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Cowboy Junkies Anniversary Song

alec vanderboom

For Jon-Nine Years of Wonderful!

(This is the song that we played for our First Dance at our Wedding Reception)

(It's about the joy of seeing your beloved Spouse over a cup of coffee each and every morning.

Which is ironic, because we ran out of coffee this morning.

My boy, left an exhausted pregnant woman alone in a house filled with 3 hyper children and no coffee.

So the lady dragged her exhausted, pregnant body and three hyper children to Starbucks to in order to buy herself an iced, CAFFEINATED coffee at 9 o'clock in the morning.

Then the kind boy offered to pick up some real coffee at Target on his way home.

But a grumpy 3 year old started sobbing so hard at 5:45 PM that the wife begged the husband to come right home, instead.

Now there is no coffee in the house for a second day.

Tomorrow the cycle will repeat itself again with zero caffeinated beverages available in the morning to sip during breakfast while gazing into each others eyes

But I love him. And I love my life. Nine whole years of something wonderful!)