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My Life With a Future Nun

alec vanderboom

Hannah was messing around with a rock star game on Barbie this morning when she said "Mom this is a perfect song about God!"

I felt a little cynical that Mattel could compose the "perfect" song about God, much less that such a song was the background track to "So You Wanna Be A Rock Star!"

My cynicism vanished over the next few minutes as Hannah kept exclaiming, "That's so right!" and "That's just how God works!" after each and ever lyric.

I was shocked listen to the lyrics closely and hear that Hannah's take was true.
"I feel connected . . . protected....
like your standing right with me all the time.
You're near me. You hear me.
And everything else is gonna be alright!"

A happy little girl song that so expresses what it means to be a Catholic in Communion with God.

If you don't believe me, listen to it yourself. See any obvious references to the Eucharist and the Divine Intimacy of Catholic life?

Katharine McPhee-Connected

Life is just more fun when there is a future Nun in your house! I don't know how many "Jesus is the real boyfriend" pop songs that Hannie and I will be bopping around to in the future, but I hope it will be many.