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A Carmel Life

alec vanderboom


Today at Carmel, we studied our "Rule of St. Albert" adopted by the Carmelites in 1209. Pretty ancharic stuff right? Not at all! Take a look at this rule:

"No religious is to call anything his own but everything shall be in common."

Guess how I got to my Carmel meeting today? In my new ZipCar! This car sharing service is amazing. ZipCars are parked all over D.C. You simply reserve one online for $10 an hour (this fee includes free gas), walk to the car, open it with your eletronic key card and drive off! A perfect fit for a big Catholic family who uses public transportation yet still needs a car for occassional trips out of town.

So here Jon and I are, 21st Century Third Order Carmelites, living out our ancient rule to "not call anything his own but share everything in common."

(Abby with her big belly! Still have 12 weeks to go!)