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Another Benefit of First Communion

alec vanderboom

Our First Communicant now acts as a personal trainer in regard to her parent's spiritual muscles. Last night was rough one for my husband. We got to bed late and I came down with the stomach flu in the middle of the night. My sweet, concerned husband lost a lot of sleep while helping me.

This morning we both stumbled out of bed at 5:30 AM to do our daily Carmelite prayer routine. My husband said that he was going back to bed when we finished and skipping Daily Mass at 7 AM.

At 5:45 AM, Miss Hannah ran out of her bedroom shouting "Did I miss it? Did I miss it? Daddy, you've got to take me to Mass this morning!"

I laughed at my stunned husband. You give a kid a taste for the Eucharist and you've get an early morning alarm clock for the rest of time! :-)

Daddy and daughter headed off to early morning Mass and had a great time together. Our Irish priest, Father Valentine was back after a trip to Lourdes. It was a such a treat to see Jon and Hannah's shiny face after Mass at the breakfast table this morning.