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Holy Thursday

alec vanderboom

Today is the great celebration of the priesthood and the sacraments (Eucharist and Confession) which they give to us, the faithful.

If you haven't heard about "spiritual motherhood" or "adoption of a priest", it's a neat concept. Basically, every act we do as Catholics in a state of grace can be offered up to help a priest.

What's on your to do list today? Making lunch? Picking up legos? Washing yucky smelling children's underwear? Make an act of consecration offering your whole day to Mary for the benefit of the priesthood. Or pick a few chores that you hate, then do them with extra love today, to help a priest carry his cross.

Let us pray for all priests, today. Pray for the holy priest to burn with more zeal, pray for the tired priests to find rest, pray for the persecuted priest to find courage, pray for the lukewarm priests to reignite their faith, and pray for the scandal-causing priest to feel repentance.

Our dear Fathers in Christ have a hard task. Their job is to save souls for Christ. They have all the same concerns as our dear husbands; lack of time, financial pressures, disobedient children and difficult co-workers. In addition, our priests are under relentless attacks from the Devil. For example, my hometown newspaper, the Washington Post, just "happened" to publish a scathing cartoon which attack the priesthood just in time for Holy Week.

Our prayers and our smiles at Mass make a huge difference! St. John Vianney pray for us!