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United States


What are they thinking?

alec vanderboom

For those of you who don't live in the DC metro area, D.C. proper, the Southern suburbs in Virginia and the Northern Suburbs of Maryland are 3 areas with a 30 mile radius with 3 different cultures. Our Washington Post even comes out with 3 different front page covers depending on where you buy their paper.

Still, it seems a little odd to have the Secret Service traffic plan during the Inauguration to completely discriminate between commuters from the Southern suburbs in Virginia vs. those in the Northern suburbs in Maryland.

Quote for the Washington Post:

"First was the hysteria of announcing over 4 million people might be flooding the Mall. Later, they amend that number by half. Then they announce there will be no parking, few toilets and that everyone will be standing and waiting for hours. Then they tell people not to bring children and, finally, they close all the bridges," fumed Virginian Holly Kenney. "Do they think we're dense? Clearly, the public is no longer welcome." . . .

The plan unveiled by the Secret Service and area transportation officials Wednesday closes all Virginia bridges across the Potomac and interstates 395 and 66 inside the Beltway to personal vehicles. It also cordons off a large section of downtown Washington to help manage the unprecedented crowds expected. Maryland, in contrast, has no planned road closures.

One more reason to love living in Mary's Land!