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In Praise of Boys

alec vanderboom

So my 4 year old son and I have our moments. Sometimes I'm amazed that he can manage to kick both sisters in the shins at the same time while I'm midway down the George Washington Parkway. Other times I manage to whisper "THIS IS THE MOST HOLY PART OF MASS!" after Alex drops his entire lego collection at the same time on our wooden pew.

Then there are these moments when I'm in complete awe of him.

The person who has inherited my adoration for the Nutcracker Ballet is not the daughter I drove to dance lesson, it's my son Alex. I told him the story of the one eyed uncle who passed on a lovely Nutcracker to his niece Clara. My son is transfixed. He watched Nutcracker ballets on You Tube. He's choreographed his own dance routine. He loves moving from the stiff "wooden" dance, to the loose "alive" dance, to the mighty battle against the Mouse King.

Today we are making Nutcracker ornaments for our Christmas tree.

Many thanks to my son this Advent. He continues to be a wonder to me!