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Home Again

alec vanderboom

Whew! Home Again. Many thanks for the prayers for Jon's Dad and his entire family. My father-in-law is back at home. Hopefully, he will have no lingering effects from his 4 day stint in the I.C.U.

Even more incredible, Jon's Dad is back home in the Catholic Church! A priest came to the ICU with the sacrament of the sick. The next day, my modest prayer to Our Lady was for Jon to say one "Our Father" with his dad. Instead, Mary sent us a priest. Jon's family got to receive communion together in the I.C.U. for the first time in Jon's memory.

We were just surrounded by signal graces the whole trip. We got much actual grace for the 14 hour car trip home yesterday. I promise to write more details soon. As for now, the massive laundry pile awaits.