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Best Post I've Read All Year

alec vanderboom

All those prayers for the Pope's intentions for Christian artists last month, must be paying off. I had one of the sweetest confessions ever with our beloved Father John this Saturday. I'm telling him about this vivid La Salette dream I had while the Our Lady of Fatima parish statute was visiting our house and how I think that means I'm supposed to start working on that art project I've got rattling around in my head for three years. Instead of calling me crazy, Father bellows out this memoriable line "You don't have to be another Chesterton! Just write what Our Lady wants you to write with simplicity and sincerity. WRITE FROM YOUR HEART! "(That last line was said with so much conviction and love that the screen that seperated us started to shake.)

Which is one of the the 1,000 thousand things that I love about being Catholic. Where else do you go for an encouraging writing workshop, but the nearest confessional with your local parish priest!

So coming home, I told my husband that I need to find some steady time to write during the week. Filled with the Holy Spirit my husband suggested that I stop doing all laundry and meal prep for the next three months. Only kidding! No, he wisely suggested that I channel the time and energy that I put into writing blog posts and surfing the internet, and start exclusively use my screen time to work on this big, scary art project--which of course, Father has already assured me isn't so scary, because I'm simply writing from MY HEART!"

So I'm announcing a blog fast for at least three weeks. Maybe longer. My husband wants me to try for three months. At this point, I'm not sure if I can fast for a full three days. I would appreciate all of your prayers. If you pray for me to getting into a good writing groove, then I can be back earlier to post on topics other than "how I had to confess that I was dodging a writing assignment given by Our Lady."

In the meantime, I'm happy to redirect you to what promises to be a very exciting blog in the next few weeks. After eighteen years of battling the twin heartbreaks of multiple miscarriages and infertility, Anne Marie just got called "Mom" this weekend by her newly adopted son! Go read the best God is Good post I've read all year. Drop her a line and send her a few prayers. Then go hug your beloved spouse and your kids!