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They Make Frogs Smoke

alec vanderboom

While we are on the abstract art kick, I'm taking a chance and adding an interesting "art" video. This song is about little boys. Boys have the potential to use all that wonderful innate physicality to become aggressive unless they are filled with "good things."

Here are the song lyrics which perfectly describe my nature walks with Alex some days.
"Oh, don't pull its legs. (They're pulled).
Don't squeeze it too hard,
Don't mash it up!

If you snap it like a twig,
Glue it back with little sticks,
Put it back into the grass again."

(I hope to guide Alex into a more respectful, more gentle observer of nature before he grows into the cub scout age!)

The video starts with butterflies, trees and a beautiful lake scene. The "cub scout" boys are obvious to the innate peace of this nature experience. The boys are filled with bitterness and angry thoughts. In their self-portraits, red spots literally drip from their eyes and their mouth. (I love how the individual drawings are crumpled up after each take). The video gets a little gory in the middle as the boys start drawing pictures of hurting their pets & their desire to start forest fires. (I'm so sorry You Tube choose the kitten scene as the still shot for this video!) In the end, your strong stomach is rewarded with a clear message of redemption. The perspective of the troubled cub scouts change after they share a postive experience of singing together in a choir. The drawing of the hurt kitten is stiched back together. The kids are now shown laughing and hugging each other.

The take-home message is clear. When we take the time to fill up little boys with "good things," sweet words (the flowers & leaves) can come out of their mouths and hearts. The closing shot shows a Mom & Dad happily dancing. I think you'll agree with the Mum band, the best way to set boys on an emotional healthy course is to keep our own marriages strong and vibrant.

Prayer: Saint Francis, pray for us. Help our little boys grow up to be gentle, kind men with strong gratitude for the gifts of God's creation.