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Josh's Booklist

alec vanderboom

1. One book that changed your life:
She’s Come Undone

2. One book you’ve read more than once:
Pride and Prejudice

3. One book you’d want on a desert island
All seven volumes of Proust

4. One book that made you laugh:
The Prime of Ms. Jean Brodie by Muriel Spark

5. One book that made you cry:
Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri

6. One book you wish had been written:
My Life & Times by Saint Peter

7. One book you wish had not been written:
Babel's Tower by A.S. Byatt

8. One book you are currently reading
Sister Wendy On Prayer, by Sister Wendy Beckett (the art nun)

9. One book you’ve been meaning to read:
Six O’clock Hour of the Saints (inspired the movie writer of “Millions”)