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Plenary Indulgences

alec vanderboom

I've had a hard time learning about indulgences since becoming a Catholic. I think since the outcry since Martin Luther, these things tend to be under wraps. (Of course, it could have been that since I looked so dazed and confused that the RICA explanations didn't get far. Most Protestants don't believe in Purgatory. You get a straight up or down vote when you die.)

I don't hold myself out to be an expert in this area, but I have figured out enough through my Mother's Rosary Group to be pretty excited about this upcoming week.

Plenary Indulgences are available for vising a cemetery & praying for the dead from Nov 1- Nov 8, visiting a church on All Soul's Day (Nov 2) & saying an Our Father and Credo.

I also have some plenary indulgences available for my particular church over the next two weeks. On Sunday, my parish is celebrating its 50 Anniversary with a Mass lead by D.C.'s Archbishop. Nov 11 is Martinmas, the Feast Day of St. Martin of Tours. By devoutly vising a parish church on its titular feast day, and reciting an Our Father and Credo, I could earn another plenary indulgence.

Four plenary indulgences available, without much effort. And gosh, do I have a lot of relatives who died without the benefit of the sacrament of the sick. At least 350 years on the side of the Rupps & the McCormicks.

(If you want an even easier plenary indulgence on any day of year try one of the following tasks: adoring the Blessed Sacrament for at least one half hour, devoutly reading Scripture for at lest one half hour, reciting the Rosary with members of your family. Requirements for a plenary indulgence are do the work while in a state of grace, Receive Sacramental confession within 20 days of the work, Receive the Eucharistic communion (one plenary indulgence earned per reception), pray for the Pope's intentions, have no attachment to sin).