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Upcoming Kennedy Center Events

alec vanderboom

Three weekends ago, we were lucky enough to hit "Circus Underground," the annual Kennedy Center Open House Arts Festival. The entire festival is a seven hour free event that brings together all kinds of family friendly preforming arts activities. It was hot, and we had a tiny baby, so our main focus was on the National Symphony Orchestra's "Petting Zoo." This was a fun event where little kids could get their hands on real instruments and receive tips from musicians. My heart melted to see Hannah play a kid size cello. Of course, Lex's favorite was the percussion table with all types of unique noise makers.

I picked up dozens of handouts. Check out a complete list of events on the Kennedy Center website. Here is the upcoming events that I've place on our calendar.
"Family Look-in Don Giovanni," 1 hour condensed version of Mozart's Opera
"Hansel & Gretel Opera Presentation," December at local libraries
"Bring Your Teddy Bear," Kid-friendly NSO concert
"The Lion King," Original Broadway Presentation