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The Importance of a Lunch Break

alec vanderboom

One of the ways that we are so blessed in our current living situation, is that Daddy's work is only two blocks away. Since Jon can walk to work, we only need one car. In a city where the average commute averages 3-4 HOURS a day, we are also granted a rare luxury. We have a Dad who comes home for lunch. Yes, a husband and father who comes home for lunch each and every day.

It's a rare gift and one that even after two years, we still appreciate. I get a 'spell' from handling three kids. The kids get to tell Dad all about their morning adventures while the day is still fresh in their minds. Jon, the worker bee, gets a break from job stress and a tangible reminder of the four precious reasons why he works so hard.

If you aren't lucky enough to have a Dad who comes home for lunch, why don't you do the next best thing. Make a weekly "lunch date" over the phone. As your husband eats a sandwich at his desk, tell him about the joys of your day. Have the kids share their favorite story. Tell him that your proud of him for handling the angst of the work day with the grace of a Catholic.