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Oliver Hill Farm is Saved!

alec vanderboom

Hurrah for prayer intentions! I got my thank you note from my donation last night, but no word on the mortgage status. I was so concerned that I looked up Molly's blog this morning. Looks like everything will be paid off by the Sept. 29th deadline. Thank you all for your prayers, especially the dear Steubenville grads in my rosary group.

Here's a quote from Molly's blog,

"I am so completely overcome with feelings of gratitude. First to Our dear Mother, then to all of you faith filled and faithful friends. We may not be friends in this life, but I am most confident we will be in the next.

Having said that let me explain. We have had such generous offers and benefactors that it has already left me numb. Now today we have someone call and offer to pay the remaining balance if any after all the donations are in. How does one begin to say thank you? How does one tell you of the relief and security you all have given to our family? I do not pretend to know, so I will offer my most humble and pitiful thank you. Please know we are offering our communions and rosaries for all the intentions of our benefactors.


Bill and Molly"